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About Us

XPrize Carbon Removal
East side Hilltop 2014 and 2021



Our Story

The Protégé

After reading "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" and others Ms. Melojel C. Formentera approached her boss and asked if he could teach her the Western way of thinking.  She wanted to combine the best of both Eastern and Western thinking processes in order to improve the local plight of poverty while mitigating climate change.  The Mentor found sincerity and commitment to fulfill the goals so he said "Let's build a demo farm and show the farmers how to make money and we also will reforest the Philippines".  She said "yes" and chose to become the "Farmers' Helper".  In her first three years she achieved the implementation of what is illustrated throughout this site.  The years ahead guarantee to dwarf the initial years.

The Mentor
Mentor / Coach

More than 20 years of consulting the "haves" disclosed to Joseph J. Reynolds that the "have-nots" are more responsive which inspired him to mentor/coach the "have-nots".  He looked high and low, even when teaching agroforestry at the college level, to find a protégé who could carry on his work but it was not until Ms. Formentera, a housekeeper and the daughter of a fisherman with a family of 10 that she approached him and asked if she could learn how to think differently and understand agroforestry principles and practices that he found his protégé in her.

Foreman, Infrastructure

Dante Pugal's Illocano family migrated to the valley in the 1950s before roads existed, only trails.  He learned the trades while working for seven years in Saudi Arabia.  His 63 years of living carry him as a community leader and a knowledgeable foreman for Farmers' Helper at Hilltop.  He can outwork those youngsters 30 years his junior.  The Illocano people are honest, industrious, and hard-working.  Hilltop Malunggay is lucky to have Dante on board.

Operations Manager

Shirle Pugal is Dante's wife and shares the Illocano values.  For more than 30 years she has worked for the Department of Health and is the Clinical Supervisor.  Trained and experienced in sanitation and hygenic practices in May 2015 Shirle is assuming the duties of Operations Manager to assure the safe harvesting, cleaning, drying and processing of Moringa oleifera leaves and parts.


Antonio Gonzales lives just down the hill from Hilltop where his family took up residence back in the 1950s.  He has formal technical training but is a natural when it comes to machinery, equipment, and innovative thinking.  Not only can he make everything work he also operates it all and makes farming seem so easy.  From irrigation to planting and growing he moves the earth and makes all necessary adjustments to bring about planting and growing successes.  


Ma. Verna Gonzales is a graduate of the University of the Philippines with a Bachelor of Science in Food Technology and from the Open University campus in Los Banos, Laguna she attained a diploma in Research and Development Management.  With more than 8 years of research and development experience while conducting relevant food product development she provides technical consulting to Hilltop Moringa Farms in the area of product research and development. and management.

The Philippines has an excellent Department of Technology and Industry that provides free product development technical assistance.


This work has been ongoing for the past twenty-plus years. 
Unwittingly, it began with the author's first experience with tropical forests, which was in Panama when only eight years old. Eleven years after, he was mining diamonds and gold in Guyana, where the forest remains fantastic.  


Meanwhile, in 1986, he arrived in the Philippines. Much to his dismay, the forest he had longed to visit no longer existed.
Since then, he adhered to the steps of traditional reforestation but to no satisfactory end, and out of frustration, he began to swim against the tide. He and his adopted family have been using the new paradigm, without government funding, so to reforest effectively, inexpensively, and sustainably.

Low and behold, Elon Musk and his fantastic XPrize Carbon Removal contest arrive with perfect timing.  Please, join us in helping to benefit Mankind by benefiting Mother Nature. 

Hilltop Moringa Oil.png
Honey beyond belief at Hilltop.png
Moringa Processing HMF072219 (109).JPG
Moringa capsules.jpg
Hilltop Moringa Jhel'O.png
The New Paradigm It's not Agriculture brother Al Oy Reynolds 082021.jpg

On August 14, 2021 Oy Reynolds in Thailand took this super photo of her husband, Al, enthralled in reading his brother's The New Paradigm, It's not Agriculture.  TO GET YOUR COPY GOTO YOUR BROWSER AND PASTE:

My work has always been on my shoulders.  Now that I am retired my shoulders are not as broad as before and the time constraints are tighter.

Agroforestry Hilltop Comparison East Side 6 years.png







The best technology for removing and sequestering CO2 is the forest.

When you ask to join our TEAM we will ask what it is that you are best at doing. 


Something relevant to this project. 


We will discuss, via email, and establish a mutual understanding of how you and the TEAM can benefit.  At that point, we will officially invite you to join the TEAM.

Be active or passive ... either way your help is apprciated.

For those who want to follow the project, but do not want to be on the TEAM.  $1 gets you on distribution for project information.

100% of all donations goes directly to fund the project.  $1, $2, or more, it's up to you.

Our current budget for Phase II of the Ditch is $630.00.

There must be 630 people who do not want to be on the TEAM but want to be kept aware of the project's progress.  Be part of the first to help.

Phase I of the irrigation channel is in the photo, Phase II will complete the irrigation channel.



Order your copy of The New Paradigm Shift, It's not Agriculture:  



Royalty produces negligible income, but you will have the project proposal in your library.

This is the full project proposal.  It is published by and you can order directly.

The New Paradigm It's not Agriculture brother Al Oy Reynolds 082021.jpg

Please Choose  how you want to participate.

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